Together with Bluecrux & Anaplan
PART 1: Let Connected planning bring Finance and Supply Chain in sync
PART 2: The Connected Finance – Supply Chain showcase lab in Anaplan
The current challenging market environment requires Finance and Supply Chain to stay aligned like never before. The answer lies in End-to-End Scenario Management and Integrated Business Planning.
See how Connected Planning with Anaplan supports making these decisions and trade-offs visible in a this seminar with Bluecrux (business partners in Supply Chain planning).
Learn to:
- Use Anaplan to bridge the gap between Finance an Suplly Chain.
- Allign Supply Chain plans with Finance Budgeting & Forecasting.
- Improve margins with true end-to-end scenario management.
- Improve retunrns on Supply Chain CapEx projects
- Align inventory policies to working capital targets.
- Increase product profitability while decreasing Supply Chain costs.